How to Get a Business Funding with a Poor Credit Score
March 5th 2019 at 10:06am Published by sharpshooteradmin

A poor credit score can be a hassle for literally every business. Not only does the credit score happen to put your business and your processes at risk, but it can also lead you into complete disarray. If you have a poor credit score, you wouldn’t be able to qualify for most business funding opportunities and wouldn’t be able to build a positive credit profile for yourself.
Being stuck with a poor credit score can be a vicious cycle of sorts. Once your credit score is disrupted, you are unable to find any funding option, and the score remains as it is.
Many big banks and traditional funders around us aren’t prepared to invest in businesses with a poor credit history. Banks and traditional funders have thorough and detailed checks in place before they hand over small business funding to someone, which is why they don’t trust businesses with a poor credit score.
Knowing the repercussions that your credit history can have on your ability to get business funding, here we mention the tips you can follow to get small business funding with a poor credit score:
Look for Alternative Funders
Since you have already been denied the opportunity to get funding from traditional banks, your only bet lies in getting small business funding from an alternate private funder. Private funders can easily be found online and they give you a chance to get business funding even with a poor credit history. These funders allow you to get small business funding even if you happen to have a poor funding history from the past. When you work with these funders you can rest assured knowing that your funding history wouldn’t have a big role to play in whether you are able to get small business funding or not.
Get a Merchant Cash Advance
If you’re looking for ways to get funding with a poor credit score and also to improve that credit score so that you’re out of this mess, then a merchant cash advance is the best option for you. A merchant cash advance is basically a funding option, where you can decide your repayment plan based on how many sales you make. A fixed percentage of your daily sales is cut until you have made the payment on the merchant cash advance. This is a convenient payment option for many and comes without any hassles.
Improve Your Credit Score
Once you try our options above, you can improve your credit score by making the payments on time and by also making sure that there are no hindrances as such in the credit utilization.