COVID-19 Small Business Funding Update Centre
COVID-19 Small Business Funding Update Centre
We’ve gathered sources from around the web to help your business remain resilient.
SharpShooter Funding is committed to helping Canadian small businesses during hard and unpredictable times, we want our clients and small business community to stay safe and healthy. We have prepared some important information below and resources regarding COVID-19. Click on the tabs below to access these resources. We will continue to update this page as more insights become available.
Federal government announces tax measures to support individuals and businesses (PDF)
– Personal tax filing deadline will be extended from April 30th to June 1st.
– Businesses can defer income tax payments to after August 31st with no interest or penalties for amounts owed between March 18th and September.
– The CRA will not contact any small businesses for post-assessment GST/HST or income tax audits for the next four weeks (starting March 18th, 2020).
Federal government proposes temporary wage subsidy to help small businesses keep their employees
– Eligible small businesses facing revenue losses would receive a temporary wage subsidy for a period of three months.
– The subsidy would equal 10% of remuneration paid during that period, up to a maximum subsidy of $1,375 per employee and $25,000 per employer.
Federal government proposes temporary income support for Canadians not working due to COVID-19
– This includes those who are sick, quarantined or forced to stay home to care for a family member.
– This includes those who don’t qualify for employment insurance or paid sick leave.
– The Emergency Care Benefit would provide up to $900 bi-weekly, for up to 15 weeks.
– Application for the benefit will be available starting in April 2020.
Federal government announces Insured Mortgage Purchase Program
– The government will purchase up to $50 billion of insured mortgage pools through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
– This will provide long-term stable funding to banks and mortgage lenders so they can continue lending to Canadian consumers and businesses.
Trudeau unveils $82B COVID-19 emergency response package for Canadians, businesses – CBC News; March 18th, 2020
Canadian banks move to help customers, allow deferral of mortgage payments – CTV News; March 18th, 2020
Canada-U.S. border closing – CTV News; March 18th, 2020
Trudeau unveils $82B COVID-19 emergency response package for Canadians, businesses – CBC News; March 18th, 2020
COVID-19: Canada, U.S. working on deal to restrict non-essential cross-border travel, official says – National Post; March 18th, 2020
Pandemic Preparedness for Business – This resource centre from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce offers a downloadable preparedness guide, a crisis communications plan, a business continuity & recovery plan, and other materials.
COVID-19: Managing cash flow during a period of crisis – This report from Deloitte Canada provides recommendations on how to manage your cash flow and minimize financial impacts to your business during this volatile period.
Keeping you and your business safe – This webpage from CFIB provides answers to the most common questions being asked by CFIB members about managing coronavirus situations in the workplace.
Facebook Business Resource Hub – This resource centre from Facebook offers actions guides, toolkits, and Facebook groups you can join to connect with other Canadian small business owners.
COVID-19 resources for foodservice operators – This hub from Restaurants Canada provides regular updates on provincial and national government measures being introduced that will impact restaurants.
COVID-19 resources for retailers – This webpage provides the latest government updates that are impacting retail businesses, along with resources to help Canadian retailers run their businesses effectively during this time.
COVID-19 Jurisdiction Tracker – This Google Sheet from Restaurants Canada provides up-to-date overviews of provincial measures that may be impacting your business.
British Columbia COVID-19 Updates
New Brunswick COVID-19 Updates
Prince Edward Island COVID-19 Updates
Newfoundland and Labrador COVID-19 Updates
Northwest Territories COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Government of Canada resource centre – This resource hub from the Government of Canada provides regular updates on COVID-19 cases in Canada and also provides details on COVID-19 symptoms, treatments, prevention, and risks.
COVID-19 awareness resources – This webpage has a collection of infographics and factsheets to help you self-monitor and reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
CDC: Manage Anxiety and Stress – This page from the CDC provides clear steps you can take to reduce stress, manage your mental health, and help others.
Mental health resources during COVID19 – This Google Doc is an open-sourced document with health resources, including mindfulness apps, exercise apps, and online courses.

Speak to one of our qualified and seasoned Small Business Funding Managers to better understand what funding options and approvals we have for your small business.